Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Way to Break Up

Even if it hurts, know how to hide it. Even if tears start to fall, know how to hold them back. If the memory starts weighing down your heart, know how to smile.

These empty days without you will soon fade away. And I will be more comfortable with every passing day.

Forget my face if it makes you feel better. But don't try to find me... I will already be gone. Don't cry for me, I don't want to be drenched in your tears.

This letter is something you can do whatever you wish to do with, but don't saver my handwriting.

So even if my memory is hurting your heart, know when to block it out. Don't linger on the past like you have done so many times before.

I wish the best for you, I always have. So turn your face toward the sun, not the shadows.

Forget my love for you ever happened, because I won't be there to help you through your hard times anymore.

Even if your heart feels as though it will rip in two...know how to sew it back together...

This is the way to break up...

This was something I wrote based off of lyrics from a sone with the same title.

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