Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I lost someone today,
And now their memory
Seems so far away.
The reminiscence of
It is like looking in through
A broken window at warm faces.

This cold feeling, that comes
Only when I see their face
Is something of which
I cannot erase.
I slept idly as those years past.
It seemed to go so slow
Yet so fast.

The one I lost is another
Soul's gain, but I pray it will
Be in a different way.

If only there was
More I could do
To keep the tears
From falling anew.
This life will only last awhile,
Before we cross
The heavenly tile.

So perhaps I'll see
That someone again
Not in this world,
With this life hard spent
But in another, for our
Souls well kept.

This is one I wrote around this time last year, just thought of post it. ^^

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