Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Fire Fire" Lyrical Break Down

I've recently been obsessed with the phrases: "We can't die because we're young, at least that's what we heard in a song" & "what you confuse for glorious fire is fire from the tongues of liars".
They are both from Flyleaf's new song "Fire Fire" (very good song, you should listen to it) and every time I hear them I can't help but think of the state out country is in today. So many people are led my false sayings like "we can't die because we're young", and it is the main voice our young people are chanting at concerts, political events, and other things. It's what plays on the radio, in movies, books, tv shows: it's everywhere.

I think we need to take a little time to pray for the well being of our country, we are the next generation. And if we keep this up we will no longer continue to be the great country we pride ourselves on.

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