Monday, April 29, 2013

My Own Personal Hell

I wake in the night
As the storm rages by me
The only light that's given
Is by the sea-raged lightning
The cracks of thunder
Hinders my sound
As it screams in my ear
For me to turn around.

My feet won't move
As my heart beats faster
The lonely clouds crying
Are my soul's one companion.
The rain hits my flesh
Like ice cold needles
As the warmth of body
Slowly leaves me.

Don't tell me to remember
Because it hurts too much,
Don't beg me for forgiveness
Because what's done is done.

My only prayer is escape
From this place I call hell,
I've known it for awhile
On a personal level.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Fire Fire" Lyrical Break Down

I've recently been obsessed with the phrases: "We can't die because we're young, at least that's what we heard in a song" & "what you confuse for glorious fire is fire from the tongues of liars".
They are both from Flyleaf's new song "Fire Fire" (very good song, you should listen to it) and every time I hear them I can't help but think of the state out country is in today. So many people are led my false sayings like "we can't die because we're young", and it is the main voice our young people are chanting at concerts, political events, and other things. It's what plays on the radio, in movies, books, tv shows: it's everywhere.

I think we need to take a little time to pray for the well being of our country, we are the next generation. And if we keep this up we will no longer continue to be the great country we pride ourselves on.


You can't judge people based off how they look, you can determine what sort of personality they have by the type of music they listen to. The most uptight, high strung, prim and proper person could listen to an artist that would have been the farthest from your mind when thinking of that person. Music determines what's in the heart, so before you judge someone, consider what songs play on the inside.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Expendable Heartbeat

If you'd stop and listen I have a heart too, I have a soul, I have feelings, I love just the same. You say I can't make my own decisions as you decide my future, you say I can't speak up because I don't count in your book. My voice is too small, my eyes don't see the full world, my hands can't grasp reality yet. My feet have never tread it's own trail so it won't matter since I haven't left my mark. You choke me until my heart can't see everything it did before. There's no more soothing voice speaking to me in tongues, no voice saying its gonna be ok. Don't think I didn't know, I heard everything from the wingman to the right, but I still don't understand one thing

What did I do wrong?