Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Letter in Time

I had to write this for history. It was a letter for the editor of a fake newspaper. Martin Luther was alive from somewhere around the 1400's-1500's. I know I started going off in the first paragraph, but I still like how it turned out in the long run.

Dear Sir:

I am sending this letter to you and your newspaper in hopes that you will see the true potential that my brother in Christ , Martin Luther, has in the Christian state of our country, and even the world. Martin Luther stands for something that opposes the Catholic church and its way of teaching, not Christianity. Christianity in our day has, in fact, lost its sight of Christ and become worldly in many ways. The church collects money from the people just for the sake of collecting money, not for reasons of the church. One cannot save the soul of a loved one by giving money to the church and receiving a letter of forgiveness. Once someone has died, there is no way of contacting them again until we ourselves pass on from this world and into the judgment seat of God Himself. God forbid it be in Hell, but that is, in some situations, where some people end up going.

Martin Luther, and many others, have seen the faults the church has grown accustom to and was the first to challenge the church head on. He has stepped up and done something that no one else has done in the history of our time, and has to be one of the bravest people I have seen yet. He is not afraid to call out the intentional sins the church is pressing upon the people, and for that, he is paying for it with persecution and accusation of heresy. I would advise you think twice before you continue to publish things about Martin in any way that would continue to boost the church's boastfulness. Because this reformation that Martin Luther, and many others, are becoming a part of will soon take flight in ways no one could ever imagine. The Christian world will never be the same after this. That I am sure of.


Mia A. Curiel

Mia A. Curiel

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