Monday, October 26, 2015

I Will Follow

Waning is my ability to wait
even at my young age
though selfish as it may sound.
My heart has ached many times
over trivial things I cannot even 
call love.
These few passing moments 
of young foolishness have
all ended in troublesome pain,
aches that could have
 just as well been avoided.

My Love, my Love, my first Love!
How I have forsaken You!
I throw myself away from You,
always searching for devotion elsewhere.
Yet You still away my return,
arms outstretched wide,
embracing me in my most tender of moments.
Healing my wounds  slowly as each hour 
slowly ticks by.

If only, if only I could stop myself
from being so greedy, 
so desperate for companionship.
I look upon those around me, 
and a twinge of envy grows slowly inside.
I long for what they have,
I crave what they feel.
Yet You have said it is not my time.
So, I shall wait patiently
as I let You lead the way. 
I will follow .