Saturday, December 28, 2013

Describe Your Mother in One Word

  If I had to describe my mother in one word, it would be: Breathtaking. 
This word still does not do her justice, but it's the best one I could find that describes her beauty, power, peacefulness, patience, kindness, diligence, amazing talents, loveliness, humbleness, intelligence, hopefulness, and many other traits. 

  I know there are times where I want to scream and tell at her; to let out all my frustrations at her, to show my anger about something at her. But, if I did that, she would prove to me why it would be wrong to do. She'd show in the most motherly way why she does what she does, even if it makes me upset sometimes. I'd be shown why she was made a mother, and why I am the way I am, because of her. 

  If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be the person I am now. She does everything in her power to open my eyes to how special I am, but I always close them because I don't want to believe her. 

  She loves me unconditionally, and nothing I do will ever be enough to show how grateful I am for that.